lunes, 26 de julio de 2010


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LISTENINGS, nivel intermedio , the topic is : STEPH ON COOKING...
What are the differences between Spanish and English cooking?
Are you really fond on cooking? Tell us about your experience.

29 comentarios:

  1. 1)the difference between Spanish cooking and English cooking is that Spanish cooking is much healthier, have more flavor, ingredients are much better and use a large amount of olive oil which makes it much healthier.

    2) Yes, the most difficult dessert I made a lemon pie and I think I'm pretty good

  2. 3ro G
    In the personal thing I do not like to cook...
    For that. It is better to go to a restorant
    the diferences is:The english men have show restraint very rich and they put many aciete of olive.
    And the Spanish have mas ingredients, and mas veriedades of flavors

  3. 1.- the difference between these foods is that English is very unhealthy than the Spanish, since Spanish has more vegetables and more junk food is English

    2.-I'm not good kitchen lunch, but if I'm good at making cakes, spoon, lemon pie ... and many more goodies.

    Pia vera 3°G

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. 1) The difference between the Spanish and English food is that the Spanish woman is mas healthy and uses mas ingredients mas nourishing

    2) For my the cook it is not for my but it is entertained to be able to prepare diverse food

  6. The difference between English and Spanish food is that Spanish food is one mixture between the rural and the seafood.On theotherhand the English food is fast and greasy,and the sweet things are very famous.

    I don`t cook,because I`m very bad in that thing.
    I burn until the water.

  7. 3º F .....
    The difference that exists between them the Spanish woman cooks especially and Englishman is that the ingles does not present great difference since it is based on snack food, fats or since commonly we are called scrap a food, on the other hand the Spanish food is a great range of variety that plays between the rustic or rural thing and the seafood showing a lot of variety in his plates.

    To my personally I like the kitchen and I have a very interactive perception of the kitchen, since for my to be able to cook is to be able to improvise with a personal style that is left in every saucer.

  8. 1) The difference between the Spanish kitchen and the English, it is that them shown restraint Spanish are very much healthy and nourishing, on the other hand in the English there use other types of spices that they do not do to him well to our health.

    2) The dessert mas difficult that I have done is the cake, but meeting is not very difficult, since I like to do this type of things.


  9. *the difference between these foods is that English is very unhealthy than the Spanish, since Spanish has more vegetables and more junk food is English.

    *To my personally I like the kitchen and I have a very interactive perception of the kitchen,i try to guide myself by recipes and normally overs very well.

    atte: student Carolina Silva*

  10. the differrent between is that the food norteamaicana is a more healthy tham most food espanish.
    but the food espanish is very rich although not as healthy.

    diego paez

  11. 1.The difference between the Spanish and English cosina can include in the difernetes styles of preparation of plates as also to lagran variety of culinary technologies and ingredients in the elaborations of these. A fundamental difernecia is the use of spices as for example the English food uses escaces of vegetables and the food becomes in a rapid way, which as the opposite the Spanish food has fundamental vegetables and is mas elaborated

    2.My esperiencias in the kitchen are normal for my age since and elaborated easy plates. But not and dedicated time since it is not my fort

  12. 3ºF

    1) What is said in this hearing is that Spanish food is healthier because the ingredients used in it by British food otherwise use more junk food and such

    2) For me personally I do not like much rather see the kitchen as they cook and feed a good meal (:

  13. Constanza Rojas - 3ºF

    a) The difference between the Spanish and English cuisine, is that Spanish food is more healthy, nutritious and tasty. In contrast, the English version is fast and fat.
    unlike the Spanish also uses more vegetables and English is famous for sweet things.

    b) I like to cook. In my house i am cooking always, and I prefer to cook sweet stuff better.

  14. a)The difference between the two is that Spanish food is healthier because it is based on vegetables so it is more healthy and nutritious, however English food is higher in calories and is also well known for being high in fat or junk food as he might call.

    b)I personally do not like to cook, I find it entertaining and prefer little else than this, but I love to cook but it is nice to be in one place and to cook with love, there are people who like to cook and it looks good :)

  15. 1 -.) The difference is that Spanish food compared to the U.S. that is more healthy for their junk food.
    2 -.) I hate cooking, try to wait while the noodles absorb the water because nobody told me that after the water was removed with a strainer. and as a result I am a sort of puree.

    Ernesto Riquelme, 3G

  16. 1._The Spanish food is not so healthy for this one ingredients of capture that the people include to give the taste of each one, from other one they separate the English this is mas of healthy form that the majority of the Spanish, for ej: our porotos we include of everything to give an unconditional flavor, as the sausage, the chili of color et. this probably includes ingredients, but not so saturated in fats
    2.-For my part delighted with the kitchen and especially if I include the things of my pleasure to the food, for which the capture like that a taste different from that of other persons

    Nicolas Lazcano 3º C

  17. The difference is that Spanish is more healthy because it has a variety of ways to prepare dishes that is, enriched by the diverse regions of Spain, the rural and coastal change in the U.S. could say that is less healthy, it is a diverse mix, as is traditional cattle and sheep.

    If I like, what do I do it well, I like making desserts, cakes, noodles and soups, among others all I get rich

    for Vania veas 3ºG

  18. 1.spanish food is more healthier than american food. because spanish food use fresh ingridients and has more flavor.

    2. I like to cook. I love to do cakes, desserts and differents types of coffes. I want to study and became a famous and fashion chef of the all world.

    Camila Maggini 3°G

  19. 1.- The difference between the Spanish food and English food is that Spanish food is much more complete in nutrients which is especially healthier plants. On the other hand are mostly English food generally has a high fat junk food.

    2.- I especially like to cook me especially if my family or friends, I prefer healthier food, I like fruit.

    Vania Montoya

  20. 1. The differences are that in the spanish cooking,use difference and better ingredients wich gives more flavor to the meals and use to olive oil, makes more healthy than the english cooking.

    2. The truth is that I am't very fan of the kitchen, but when I intend to cook something, I still very tasty.

    Liselotte Valencia 3ºF

  21. 1. The difference between the two is that Spanish food is healthier, because it is made of vegetables and is more nutritious, but the English food requires more calories and more fat concentration can be harmful to health.

    2 - I'm not a fan of the kitchen, but if I like cooking and making pies, sometimes I cook at home.

    Haschly Toro Fernandez
    3º F

  22. 1. The difference is that the Spanish kitchen is great a healthy mas that the English food since this one has mas nourishing ingredients many mas vegetables and spices for the food. In it changes the English food a food is rather like denominaria scrap with few spices, certain quantity of vegetables and great oily.

    2. If, I like to cook and prefer the Confectionary for the dulsura that this one implies.

    Carol Bucarey 3ºF

  23. 1. The difference between the Spanish and English food is that this one finalizes denominaria food scrap since it consists of few nourishing food rather the lipids that are not very good for the health, In it changes the Spanish food consists of many mas vegetables and tasty spices which do that this food is great a healthy mas.

    2. I am charmed with cooking already be sweet or salty. I have this custom thanks to my grandmother who me enseyo this wonderful art.

    Yeritza Delgado 3ºF

  24. Well some of the differences I could notice was that if women in Spanish food kitchen instead the English kitchen but what is high fat food such as potato chips and everything that revolves around fast food.
    my opinion about the kitchen is that it is an art you just have to know Improvising with the flavors and always aser mix to discover new flavors for me is an art

    Ana Tapia 3 ° F

  25. 1.# The difference between Spanish and English food is that Spanish is more healthy, because the ingredients are more fresh, they have more flavors because they are natural in comparation to English food and how use more olive oil is healthier for our body.

    2.# I have my moments :), I prepared brownis and are delicious.-

  26. 1.- The difference is in how healthy meals, the Spanish is more healthy in their seasonings and olive oil gives more purees, however the English is heavier in condiments

    2.-I have not really experienced only easy to make dishes such as rice, noodles, and pure. once try to saucepan and burn jajjaja

    Andrea Ramirez 3°G

  27. 1.- The difference between them is that Spanish food is much healthier and more natural, that English food contains more fat and underused vegetables.

    2.-To my taste the cuisine is not something I'm passionate, sometimes achieving fast food cakes or cooking.

    Aileen segura 3º G

  28. there is difference in the kitchenespañola and english because in spanish cooking whith more vegetables nd much more in the U.S. instead saludble cooked whith a lot more meat and fried

    I like to cook sweet things sore all but the first time I made lemon pie i burn

    paula valdebenito 3 B

  29. the differrent between is that the food norteamaicana is a more healthy tham most food espanish.
    but the food espanish is very rich although not as healthy.
    constanza carvacho 3rog


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